Breakfast in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Caribou Coffee

Snow Day in Pittsburgh!!

Snow is my favorite part of winter, hands down.  I am genuinely disappointed when a forecast of 1-3 inches is anything less than 4-6.  So when we woke up to 2, it was a perfect start to a Saturday.

We got a bit of a late start to our morning, thanks to the guy who decided to park his car overnight in a manner which blocked our driveway.  After much door knocking and neighbor involvement, we were finally free to venture forth for breakfast.

Everything always tastes better when you're faint with hunger, so off to our favorite coffee shop. We visit this particular store every Sunday and have been really looking forward to trying out their new line of breakfast sandwiches.

By the time we arrived, we're starved, and ended up sampling everything but the Veggie. (Not that the veggie didn't look really good - maybe next time...)  I especially loved the Brioche Roll and the cheeses were quite delectable.  Note no pork products on this menu!  Everything was yum, yum.   And thankfully, quick!

Of course their coffee is amazing.  My favorite menu drink is the Mint Condition, made using white chocolate, decaf, skim, with whipped. And I always enjoy the reaction of the barista when husband orders his standard medium Americano with 6 shots of espresso.

Did I mention we normally visit this shop on a Sunday? Apparently the meter maids do work in Brentwood on Saturdays.  A $10 parking ticket was included in today's adventure.

See you next week for more adventures in Pittsburgh Breakfast!

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